Current weather in Naturns

General weather today:

The southerly flow will continue to dominate the weather and with it, humid air masses will repeatedly reach the Alps.

Il tempo domani:

On Saturday it will often be cloudy and the sun will only appear in places.

Il tempo domani
Temp. min.:
Temp. max.:

After early morning values of -5° to 0°, during the day the temperatures rise to 5° to 8°.

Mountain weather today:

Clouds often obstruct visibility on the mountains and the sun only appears occasionally. Temperatures remain wintry.

Temperature in 2.000m: -4°
Temperature in 3.000m: -9°
0° limit: 1300 m

Weather development

Sunday will have lots of clouds and even some precipitation is possible in the southern parts. Monday will remain changeable with many clouds. Towards evening and in the night to Tuesday, it may rain or snow a little. Tuesday is also expected to be mostly cloudy with some rain or snowfall in places. Wednesday will continue with lots of clouds and some sunshine.

Sunday 09.02 Monday 10.02 Tuesday 11.02
Weather development Sunday 09.02 Weather development Monday 10.02 Weather development Tuesday 11.02
Temp. min.: 2° Temp. min.: 2° Temp. min.: 3°
Temp. max.: 9° Temp. max.: 10° Temp. max.: 9°
Source: Hydrographic office Autonomous province of Bozen and Weather South Tyrol
Current weather in Naturns
Weather development Sunday 09.02 Weather development Monday 10.02 Weather development Tuesday 11.02
Tomorrow 2°/9° Monday 2°/10° Tuesday 3°/9°
MeranCard Residence Kleeberg **
Residence Alpina **

Via A.-Kleeberg 13
39025 Naturno near Merano
South Tyrol - Italy

Tel.: +39 0473 624755